Automaton Factory Strider
Bestiary / AutomatonsAppearance
A charming 20-ton quadrupedal metal monstrosity in the form of a stomping factory. It houses a large array of slow, but powerful weaponry.
Battlefield Tactics
Upon detecting the scent of your heroism, the Factory Strider lets out a bone-chilling roar, and its cannon gets straight to work. It spits out up rounds of searing death if you dare to linger in its line of sight. If that's not personal enough, its high RPM Gatling lasers (aimed via its robotic head) will make Swiss cheese out of anything unfortunate enough to stand in front of it. Oh, and in case you're thinking of hiding under it—don't. It spawns friends.
This beast can take a punch. Bring out all the big bombs you have on you, and more.
Despite it's seemingly impossible to breach defenses, it houses a number of weakspots. It's conveniently glowing eyes can taken out with a precise and high powered shot. If you prefer a more up close approach, the undercarriage has a number of doors which let out the trojan soldiers hidden inside. Each door can be taken out with a good spray and spray.
This beast is programmed with one goal; Take you out with whatever it has got. Their programming is simple and rudimentary. Use their elementary level targeting system against their own troops, and use their cannons to take out their own structure.
Be careful when it let's out their inevitable deathrattle, as they explode on death, taking out anyone unfortunate enough to be underneath this tin can.